

Is it enough?  Democrats in the House, including Dave Pinto, decided to spend nearly an entire $17.5 billion budget surplus, while giving a pittance of $260 back to individual taxpayers. They then voted to raise your taxes and fees by $2.2 billion.

Is it luxurious enough?  House Democrats, including Dave Pinto, voted to build a “palace for politicians”, replacing the Secretary of State office building, at a cost of $730 million, while we in St Paul drive on streets that are not plowed promptly in winter and leave us potholes in their wake.

Is it a priority?  Democrats in the House, including Dave Pinto, say they are concerned about education funding, but they added 65 new funding mandates, which leaves school districts begging taxpayers for more money. Test results go down; spending continues to go up.

Is it fair?  40% of St Paul students attend charter, private, or home schools.  Parents of these students should decide where their children’s education tax dollars are spent.  True school choice should be a right for all.

Are we safe?  We’ve seen the results for Gov Walz and fellow Democrats when they abandoned St Paul and Minneapolis to rioters with, in essence, a “let it burn” attitude.  Safe neighborhoods and support of law enforcement is one of my top priorities.

In tough times I will not ask you for more of your money.