
I am running for the Minnesota state legislature to represent you in House District 64B.

Isn’t it time for a Political Climate Change?  By electing me and adding balance to the MN House you will have a stronger voice in St. Paul.

The American Dream means different things to different people, but I believe in 3 essential underpinnings:

Economic Freedom, Law & Order, and a Civil Society.

The Ford Truck Plant is where The Bridge Housing Project is now.

Economic Freedom is slipping in Minnesota.  Our state has the highest corporate tax rate and now ranks 47th for job creation and 46th for Gross Domestic Product.  Our state government has not been friendly to job creators.

The 3rd Precinct Police Station being left abandoned so the Rioters could loot and set fire to it during the Riots in 2020

Law and Order has broken down over the last 4 years.  We all have seen the results of reckless policies.  When people ignore laws, and do whatever they want, we get anarchy.

A Civil Society requires an educated public that holds its government to account.  We have seen many examples of waste, fraud and abuse in a state government that does a poor job of accounting for public spending.  I am currently pursuing an audit of financial records from the City of St Paul and will continue that effort in the Legislature.

Please Consider Voting for a Change in St Paul,

Vote for Peter Donahue in the General Election.

Thank you,

Peter Donahue